
Uniten !!

Oh have i forgotten to tell you guys that im now in Uniten. It stands for University Tenaga Nasional. Oh, im also taking engineering now but don't worry cause im still aiming to become one of the greatest film directors in the world so keep praying ... Oh, im also starting to write my own script called Kopi. Hehe....



Alright folks today I’m going to tell you a story. This story is a little something that i made up the other day out of little tools known as hopes and dreams. You see my dream is to become a film director and hopefully one day this story that I’m about to tell you will make it into the big screen. The name of this story is called KOPI. Hmm, weird name huh? Why Kopi? If you want to know why than you have to listen to the story first. So, hmm where do I begin? Alright how about a train, yea that sounds great. A train, what is special about this train is not due to its design nor is it because of its capabilities. However, it’s special because of the person riding this train, a man who bears the name X. For your information, X was a drug addict who is currently travelling around Malaysia drinking coffee. Why? Well get to that soon enough anyways X is the main character in the story and just as you expected, this story is about his journey towards self redemption. So stay tuned people and get geared up because this story is going to start to get a lot more exciting and hopefully emotional.


Alright folks today I’m going to tell you a story. This story is a little something that i made up the other day out of little tools known as hopes and dreams. You see my dream is to become a film director and hopefully one day this story that I’m about to tell you will make it into the big screen. The name of this story is called KOPI. Hmm, weird name huh? Why Kopi? If you want to know why than you have to listen to the story first. So, hmm where do I begin? Alright how about a train, yea that sounds great. A train, what is special about this train is not due to its design nor is it because of its capabilities. However, it’s special because of the person riding this train, a man who bears the name X. For your information, X was a drug addict who is currently travelling around Malaysia drinking coffee. Why? Well get to that soon enough anyways X is the main character in the story and just as you expected, this story is about his journey towards self redemption. So stay tuned people and get geared up because this story is going to start to get a lot more exciting and hopefully emotional.


Alright folks today I’m going to tell you a story. This story is a little something that i made up the other day out of little tools known as hopes and dreams. You see my dream is to become a film director and hopefully one day this story that I’m about to tell you will make it into the big screen. The name of this story is called KOPI. Hmm, weird name huh? Why Kopi? If you want to know why than you have to listen to the story first. So, hmm where do I begin? Alright how about a train, yea that sounds great. A train, what is special about this train is not due to its design nor is it because of its capabilities. However, it’s special because of the person riding this train, a man who bears the name X. For your information, X was a drug addict who is currently travelling around Malaysia drinking coffee. Why? Well get to that soon enough anyways X is the main character in the story and just as you expected, this story is about his journey towards self redemption. So stay tuned people and get geared up because this story is going to start to get a lot more exciting and hopefully emotional.


Im ALIVE !!!!!

I took my first driving lesson today and thank god no one was killed! Did pretty much fine on the three point turn and hill stop but everything went crazy when i started driving on the road! Man was it hard ! The engine turned off twice, I used the reverse gear to move forward, Nearly ran over a cat and they did fogging when i was driving with the windows open. Tough but exciting not mentioning fun hehe .


Adventure in Subang!! (Well sort of)

It was just yesterday that my adventure began with a trip from my lovely little home into the wilderness in Subang. (Yes, there are jungles in subang) Well to be more specific I was actually at my good friend Sam's office which is located in front of APIIT. The reason why I mentioned wilderness was because the office is actually surrounded by a forest. I kid you not i mean APIIT is probably the only private school that i have seen which is surrounded by a jungle I mean its scary especially at night. Man, I stayed there for a couple of nights before and whoa is it scary! Anyways, I was there yesterday because of a party that I was supposed to attend that night at 7.00 pm but my ingenious plan sort of backfired. The party was located at SS18 and only god knows where that place really is. Honestly, folks for someone who was born here and lived on this very land for 17+ years I have the worst sense of direction in history. Period! So, back to the story my plan was to get someone at the office to send me there but unfortunately for me not one soul there has even heard of the place. Improvising i hatched up a new plan as I received intel that the place was actually located near the KTM station in Petaling. Yet again, there was another set back. Transport Home. Ugh, why can't the KTM work 24hrs. i mean what if there are people working till late and fully depends on the KTM as its only means of transport? Think about it. Due to the amount of challenges i had to face I made a decision and missed one potentially awesome party of my life! However instead of partying all night I learned how to use a Computer Aided Design (CAD) program to make 3D models. I'll would love to explain more but time does not really permit me to so until then Goodnight and sleep tight.


ENL 101 (Assignment 1)

Man MORE assignments ? I just finished my last one. Anyways I'm posting up the entire essay so feel free to read it and comment it for me need some advice hehe.

Excessive parental control can be hard to endure. Analyze the effects

Parents are going to ludicrous lengths to take the bumps out of life for their children. However, parental hyper concern has the net effect of making kids more fragile; that may be why they're breaking down in record numbers” quoted by Hara Estroff Marano from Psychology Today. Parental control is undeniably what our current generation needs in order for a harmonious, successful and happy life, but unfortunately there are also some parents who seem to go overboard in protecting their children. This may lead to certain complications in their lives. Excessive parental control means the unrestrained control of parents over their children’s lives making it hard for them to endure as it effects their personal development, behavior, and health.

Excessive parental control can affect personal development when growing up due to restrictions that are forced upon a children’s life. One of the reasons for this is because of the inability of these children to make mistakes .Most of us grow up and mature because we tend to learn from our mistakes. It is one of the most primitive yet effective ways used for centuries in order to become wise. When every movement of the child is carefully planned the probability for mistakes being made decreases and therefore with less mistakes are being made, less lessons are learned from them just as said by child psychologist David Elkind, professor at Tufts University "Kids need to feel badly sometimes,". These children would also seem to have a lower degree of social skills compared to the other children that lead well-balanced lives. This is simply because these parents would tend to not allow their children to engage in any social activities mainly because they worry that their child will be exposed to drugs and alcohol. The judgment level of these kids in decision-making may be compromised as most decisions have been made by their parents thus giving them little in handling challenging situations.

Another effect of excessive parental control may become apparent during adolescent years as they experience a change in behavior and become rebellious. After a certain amount of time the children will feel that they have had enough from their overbearing parents and rebel against them. This is probably because teenagers fell trapped as every one of their movements are being controlled. Perceptions of a home for these teens will also change from a sanctuary to a maximum security prison. Teenagers may also try to stay away from home which is potentially more dangerous for the safety of the individual. They may also struggle to maintain friendships, peer groups and social environments outside their home as these parents not only control the movements of their child but their friend’s too. As a cause teenagers may be ignored and feel depressed due to the increase in his or her problems in life. Things may get worse when every aspect of their lives and privacy are invaded. For example, some parents will go to the extent of placing cameras in every corner of the house to monitor their children which will eventually result in potential emotional problems.

The child may also experience heath issues, due to excessive parental control. These children receive very little exposure to their surroundings consequently making them vulnerable. For example because they lack exposure to certain foods their stomach may not be able to tolerate new food intakes resulting in stomach ailments. Due to the amount of time they spent at home the amount of exercise done outdoors is considerably limited. Though exercises can be done indoors it is quite essential for a growing child to play sports outdoors as well. This is because sports like soccer, basketball and of such will help to not only tone the entire body but also promotes one’s solidarity skills which are necessary. Parents who take too much control over dietary planning risk forcing their children into immoral behavior. For example, when parents disallow children to consume foods like chocolate, burgers and of such these children will resort to other ways to get what they want by lying, stealing or extorting which could eventually lead to physical violence.

For centuries, a parents ultimate dream is for their offspring to have a much better life than they did. They expect their child to become successful, intellectual and charming pressuring them with multiple expectations to fulfill just so that we can be satisfied with our own selves. Little do we know that behind those cute, cuddly faces there is a voice unheard, screaming out with all its might wanting to be set free of their chains to become whole by his or her individual means. To finish, I conclude that excessive parental control may effect one’s personal development, behavior and health along with a quote by David Elkind "We focus so much on our own children, It's time to begin caring about all children."

Thank You !

Im Blogging !!!

Okay blogging seems as easy as ABC.... just sign up, choose a template and now what??